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Quiz | Cluster Analysis


Quiz | Cluster Analysis

1 / 27

What is the primary purpose of cluster analysis?

2 / 27

What algorithm can be used to detect outliers?

3 / 27

In single-linkage clustering (nearest neighbor), how is the distance between a newly formed cluster and an object calculated?

4 / 27

How are proximity measures typically categorized in cluster analysis?

5 / 27

How is the similarity or dissimilarity between objects determined in cluster analysis?

6 / 27

What is the key criterion for clustering objects in Ward's method?

7 / 27

What is the first step in performing a cluster analysis?

8 / 27

What is the main characteristic of dilating clustering procedures?

9 / 27

How do agglomerative and divisive hierarchical clustering methods differ?

10 / 27

What are the two types of hierarchical clustering?

11 / 27

What is the purpose of calculating t-values and F-values in cluster analysis?

12 / 27

How can you determine the number of clusters?

13 / 27

Why is the single-linkage method considered suitable for identifying outliers?

14 / 27

When should cluster analysis be used instead of factor analysis?

15 / 27

What does the Euclidean distance in a cluster analysis primarily consider?

16 / 27

What is the primary advantage of Ward's method in cluster analysis?

17 / 27

Complete-linkage clustering (furthest neighbor) calculates distances between clusters by:

18 / 27

What is the aim of cluster analysis?

19 / 27

What factors should be considered when selecting cluster variables for analysis?

20 / 27

When transforming a nominal variable into binary variables, what does the value '1' typically represent?

21 / 27

What is the purpose of selecting an appropriate proximity measure in cluster analysis?

22 / 27

Why is cluster analysis considered related to exploratory data analysis procedures?

23 / 27

How can the number of clusters in hierarchical cluster analysis be determined using the elbow criterion?

24 / 27

What is one of the ways to process nominally scaled variables in cluster analysis?

25 / 27

In cluster analysis, what is "intragroup homogeneity"?

26 / 27

What is the main objective of cluster analysis?

27 / 27

In cluster analysis, what does the Minkowski metric generalize?

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