Little statistical knowledge required
Easy to understand
Additional material available
You only need little statistical knowledge when reading our book. We offer examples to facilitate the understanding. We provide datasets and additional material to deepen your knowledge about methods of multivariate analysis. Ultimately, we would like to improve your learings experience with the help of this website.
Award-winning textbook
The German version of the book is already available in its 17th edition. The book is well-known and popular among German scholars, current and former students.
In 2015, the book has received an award by the Professional Association of German Market and Social Researchers e.V..

Open up the ‘black box’
The content of this website is an add-on to the book.
We provide easy-to-follow Excel examples and additional material to facilitate the understanding of the various methods presented in the book “Multivariate Analysis – An Application-Oriented Introduction”.
SPSS data sets + R code
We offer the data sets used in the book. Thus, you can re-run the analyses yourself in SPSS.
Moreover, we provide the R code for those who would like to use the R package.

Have fun with exploring this website!
We – the authors – of the book “Multivariate Analysis – An Application-Oriented Introduction” would like to provide you with a good learning experience.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Backhaus
Prof. Dr. Bernd Erichson
Prof. Dr. Sonja Gensler
Prof. Dr. Rolf Weiber
Dr. Thomas Weiber