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Quiz | Conjoint Analysis


Quiz | Conjoint Analysis

1 / 26

When should you consider a reduced design for a conjoint analysis?

2 / 26

What model(s) could you use to specify the relation between the attribute levels for the attribute 'sugar content' and its utility contributions?

3 / 26

Why might the full-profile method in conjoint analysis be considered more realistic than the trade-off method?

4 / 26

How does Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) analysis differ from traditional conjoint analysis?

5 / 26

What does a value of Kendalls Tau close to 0 mean?

6 / 26

What is the recommended approach for the number of attributes and attribute levels in conjoint analysis?

7 / 26

What does the term "partworths" refer to in conjoint analysis?

8 / 26

What evaluation methods result in non-metric measured preferences?

9 / 26

What does the range of partworths for an attribute indicate in conjoint analysis?

10 / 26

For what type of attributes do you need to use the partworth model?

11 / 26

What is the primary difference between the full-profile method and the trade-off method in conjoint analysis?

12 / 26

In the context of attribute selection in conjoint analysis, why is it important for attributes to be independent of each other?

13 / 26

In the Ideal Point Model, what does the "ideal point" represent?

14 / 26

What is the first step in conducting a conjoint analysis?

15 / 26

Which of the following models in conjoint analysis assumes a linear relationship between attribute levels and total utility?

16 / 26

Each respondent ranked 15 job descriptions. Below you find the results of the regression analyses for one respondent.
What is the preferred job of the respondent?

Remark: The reference category is not listed and has a partworth of 0.

17 / 26

What is a key consideration when selecting attributes and attribute levels for conjoint analysis?

18 / 26

In conjoint analysis, what are "stimuli"?

19 / 26

Which evaluation method in conjoint analysis involves respondents assigning a numerical value to stimuli, typically on a scale?

20 / 26

What are the three criteria used to assess the validity of the estimated utility functions in conjoint analysis?

21 / 26

To effectively manage an employer brand, HR managers need an understanding what makes an employer attractive. Therefore, a conjoint study was conducted to elicit young talent’s preferences for certain employer characteristics. In total, 5 attributes with 3 levels each have been considered.

How many stimuli would you need for a full factorial design?

22 / 26

What is the primary goal of conjoint analysis?

23 / 26

In a conjoint analysis with 9 stimuli, how many paired comparisons would be required if the paired comparison method were used for evaluation?

24 / 26

What is one potential drawback of metric evaluation methods, such as rating and dollar metric, in conjoint analysis?

25 / 26

What is the main criticism of traditional conjoint analysis in relation to predicting consumer behavior?

26 / 26

What is the key assumption of conjoint analysis regarding how consumers form their preferences?

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