–//– Load R Packages –//–

Install and/or load all required R Packages

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

if(!require("tidyverse")) {install.packages("tidyverse"); library("tidyverse")}
if(!require("DescTools")) {install.packages("DescTools"); library("DescTools")}
if(!require("car")) {install.packages("car"); library("car")}
if(!require("lsr")) {install.packages("lsr"); library("lsr")}
if(!require("Hmisc")) {install.packages("Hmisc"); library("Hmisc")}
if(!require("sjlabelled")) {install.packages("sjlabelled"); library("sjlabelled")}
if(!require("forcats")) {install.packages("forcats"); library("forcats")}

–//– Clean-Up Working Emvironment –//–

Removes all objects from the current working environment

# clean up working environment
rm(list = ls())

–//– Chapter 03 - Analysis of Variance –//–

[=> Case Study] | 3.3 Case Study

(-) Table 3.14 - Chocolate sales in kilograms per 1,000 checkout transactions depending on placement and packaging

# Generate data
mydatc3c <- data.frame(Placement = rep(c("Candy_section","Special_placement", "Cash_register"),
                                         each = 5),
                       SM = c(paste0("SM", 1:15)),
                       Box = c(47,39,40,46,45,68,65,63,59,67,59,50,51,48,53),
                       Paper = c(40,39,35,36,37,59,57,54,56,53,53,47,48,50,51))

# Reorder factor levels as desired
mydatc3c$Placement <- forcats::fct_relevel(mydatc3c$Placement, "Candy_section","Special_placement", "Cash_register")

# Display generated data for verification; # Structure of the generated data
head(mydatc3c, 15); str(mydatc3c)
##            Placement   SM Box Paper
## 1      Candy_section  SM1  47    40
## 2      Candy_section  SM2  39    39
## 3      Candy_section  SM3  40    35
## 4      Candy_section  SM4  46    36
## 5      Candy_section  SM5  45    37
## 6  Special_placement  SM6  68    59
## 7  Special_placement  SM7  65    57
## 8  Special_placement  SM8  63    54
## 9  Special_placement  SM9  59    56
## 10 Special_placement SM10  67    53
## 11     Cash_register SM11  59    53
## 12     Cash_register SM12  50    47
## 13     Cash_register SM13  51    48
## 14     Cash_register SM14  48    50
## 15     Cash_register SM15  53    51
## 'data.frame':    15 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ Placement: Factor w/ 3 levels "Candy_section",..: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ SM       : Factor w/ 15 levels "SM1","SM10","SM11",..: 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 ...
##  $ Box      : num  47 39 40 46 45 68 65 63 59 67 ...
##  $ Paper    : num  40 39 35 36 37 59 57 54 56 53 ...

(-) Prepare data (long format for two-factor ANOVA)

# Prepare data (long format for two-factor ANOVA)
mydatc3d <- mydatc3c %>% 
        gather(.,Packaging, Sales_volume, Box:Paper) 

# Reorder factor levels as desired
mydatc3d$Placement <- forcats::fct_relevel(mydatc3d$Placement, "Candy_section","Special_placement", "Cash_register")

# Show data in long-format
##            Placement   SM Packaging Sales_volume
## 1      Candy_section  SM1       Box           47
## 2      Candy_section  SM2       Box           39
## 3      Candy_section  SM3       Box           40
## 4      Candy_section  SM4       Box           46
## 5      Candy_section  SM5       Box           45
## 6  Special_placement  SM6       Box           68
## 7  Special_placement  SM7       Box           65
## 8  Special_placement  SM8       Box           63
## 9  Special_placement  SM9       Box           59
## 10 Special_placement SM10       Box           67
## 11     Cash_register SM11       Box           59
## 12     Cash_register SM12       Box           50
## 13     Cash_register SM13       Box           51
## 14     Cash_register SM14       Box           48
## 15     Cash_register SM15       Box           53
## 16     Candy_section  SM1     Paper           40
## 17     Candy_section  SM2     Paper           39
## 18     Candy_section  SM3     Paper           35
## 19     Candy_section  SM4     Paper           36
## 20     Candy_section  SM5     Paper           37
## 21 Special_placement  SM6     Paper           59
## 22 Special_placement  SM7     Paper           57
## 23 Special_placement  SM8     Paper           54
## 24 Special_placement  SM9     Paper           56
## 25 Special_placement SM10     Paper           53
## 26     Cash_register SM11     Paper           53
## 27     Cash_register SM12     Paper           47
## 28     Cash_register SM13     Paper           48
## 29     Cash_register SM14     Paper           50
## 30     Cash_register SM15     Paper           51

(-) Figure 3.12 - Result of the Levene test for variance homogeneity

# Result of the Levene test for variance homogeneity
car::leveneTest(mydatc3d$Sales_volume ~ mydatc3d$Placement*mydatc3d$Packaging, center = mean)
## Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = mean)
##       Df F value Pr(>F)
## group  5  0.8962 0.4994
##       24

(-) Figure 3.13 - Descriptive statistics for the case study

# Descriptive statistics by group(s): Placement*Packaging
mydatc3d %>% 
        group_by(Placement, Packaging) %>% 
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Placement'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## # Groups:   Placement [3]
##   Placement         Packaging `mean(Sales_volume)` `sd(Sales_volume)` `n()`
##   <fct>             <chr>                    <dbl>              <dbl> <int>
## 1 Candy_section     Box                       43.4               3.65     5
## 2 Candy_section     Paper                     37.4               2.07     5
## 3 Special_placement Box                       64.4               3.58     5
## 4 Special_placement Paper                     55.8               2.39     5
## 5 Cash_register     Box                       52.2               4.21     5
## 6 Cash_register     Paper                     49.8               2.39     5
# Descriptive statistics by Placement
mydatc3d %>% 
        group_by(Placement) %>% 
## # A tibble: 3 x 4
##   Placement         `mean(Sales_volume)` `sd(Sales_volume)` `n()`
##   <fct>                            <dbl>              <dbl> <int>
## 1 Candy_section                     40.4               4.22    10
## 2 Special_placement                 60.1               5.36    10
## 3 Cash_register                     51                 3.46    10
# Descriptive statistics by Packaging
mydatc3d %>% 
        group_by(Packaging) %>% 
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
##   Packaging `mean(Sales_volume)` `sd(Sales_volume)` `n()`
##   <chr>                    <dbl>              <dbl> <int>
## 1 Box                       53.3               9.59    15
## 2 Paper                     47.7               8.21    15
# Descriptive statistics Total
mydatc3d %>% 
##   mean(Sales_volume) sd(Sales_volume) n()
## 1               50.5         9.231692  30

(-) Figure 3.14 - Results of the two-way ANOVA (ANOVA table)

# ANOVA Results; # Results Partial Eta Squares
summary(aov(mydatc3d$Sales_volume ~ mydatc3d$Placement*mydatc3d$Packaging)); DescTools::EtaSq(aov(mydatc3d$Sales_volume ~ mydatc3d$Placement*mydatc3d$Packaging))
##                                       Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
## mydatc3d$Placement                     2 1944.2   972.1  98.027 2.83e-12 ***
## mydatc3d$Packaging                     1  240.8   240.8  24.286 4.99e-05 ***
## mydatc3d$Placement:mydatc3d$Packaging  2   48.5    24.2   2.444    0.108    
## Residuals                             24  238.0     9.9                     
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##                                           eta.sq eta.sq.part
## mydatc3d$Placement                    0.78664778   0.8909358
## mydatc3d$Packaging                    0.09744420   0.5029586
## mydatc3d$Placement:mydatc3d$Packaging 0.01961022   0.1691878

(-) Figure 3.15 - Graphical analysis of interactions in the case study

# Interaction plot

interaction.plot(x.factor = mydatc3d$Placement,
                 trace.factor = mydatc3d$Packaging,
                 response = mydatc3d$Sales_volume,
                 fun = mean,
                 type = "b",
                 col = c("black","red","green"),  ### Colors for levels of trace variable
                 pch = c(19, 17, 15),             ### Symbols for levels of trace variable
                 fixed = TRUE,                    ### Order by factor order in data
                 leg.bty = "o",
                 xlab = "Placement",
                 ylab = "Estimated Marginal Means",
                 main = "Estimates Marginal Means of Sales volume",
                 trace.label = "Packaging",
                 cex.main = 1,
                 cex.lab = 1, 
                 cex.axis = 1)

(-) Post-hoc tests (Figure 3.17 - Results of the post-hoc tests)

# Scheffé test
DescTools::ScheffeTest(aov(mydatc3d$Sales_volume ~ mydatc3d$Placement*mydatc3d$Packaging))
##   Posthoc multiple comparisons of means: Scheffe Test 
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## $`mydatc3d$Placement`
##                                 diff     lwr.ci    upr.ci    pval    
## Special_placement-Candy_section 19.7  14.602142 24.797858 8.9e-11 ***
## Cash_register-Candy_section     10.6   5.502142 15.697858 1.1e-05 ***
## Cash_register-Special_placement -9.1 -14.197858 -4.002142 0.00011 ***
## $`mydatc3d$Packaging`
##                diff   lwr.ci    upr.ci   pval    
## Paper-Box -5.666667 -9.82905 -1.504283 0.0033 ** 
## $`mydatc3d$Placement:mydatc3d$Packaging`
##                                                diff      lwr.ci    upr.ci
## Special_placement:Box-Candy_section:Box        21.0  13.7905404  28.20946
## Cash_register:Box-Candy_section:Box             8.8   1.5905404  16.00946
## Candy_section:Paper-Candy_section:Box          -6.0 -13.2094596   1.20946
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Box      12.4   5.1905404  19.60946
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Box           6.4  -0.8094596  13.60946
## Cash_register:Box-Special_placement:Box       -12.2 -19.4094596  -4.99054
## Candy_section:Paper-Special_placement:Box     -27.0 -34.2094596 -19.79054
## Special_placement:Paper-Special_placement:Box  -8.6 -15.8094596  -1.39054
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Box     -14.6 -21.8094596  -7.39054
## Candy_section:Paper-Cash_register:Box         -14.8 -22.0094596  -7.59054
## Special_placement:Paper-Cash_register:Box       3.6  -3.6094596  10.80946
## Cash_register:Paper-Cash_register:Box          -2.4  -9.6094596   4.80946
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Paper    18.4  11.1905404  25.60946
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Paper        12.4   5.1905404  19.60946
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Paper    -6.0 -13.2094596   1.20946
##                                                  pval    
## Special_placement:Box-Candy_section:Box       2.7e-08 ***
## Cash_register:Box-Candy_section:Box           0.00989 ** 
## Candy_section:Paper-Candy_section:Box         0.14789    
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Box     0.00018 ***
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Box         0.10526    
## Cash_register:Box-Special_placement:Box       0.00023 ***
## Candy_section:Paper-Special_placement:Box     1.7e-10 ***
## Special_placement:Paper-Special_placement:Box 0.01222 *  
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Box     1.6e-05 ***
## Candy_section:Paper-Cash_register:Box         1.3e-05 ***
## Special_placement:Paper-Cash_register:Box     0.66178    
## Cash_register:Paper-Cash_register:Box         0.91358    
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Paper   3.2e-07 ***
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Paper       0.00018 ***
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Paper   0.14789    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Bonferroni test
DescTools::PostHocTest(aov(mydatc3d$Sales_volume ~ mydatc3d$Placement*mydatc3d$Packaging), method = "bonferroni")
##   Posthoc multiple comparisons of means : Bonferroni 
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## $`mydatc3d$Placement`
##                                 diff     lwr.ci    upr.ci    pval    
## Special_placement-Candy_section 19.7  16.075519 23.324481 1.5e-12 ***
## Cash_register-Candy_section     10.6   6.975519 14.224481 2.7e-07 ***
## Cash_register-Special_placement -9.1 -12.724481 -5.475519 3.3e-06 ***
## $`mydatc3d$Packaging`
##                diff    lwr.ci    upr.ci  pval    
## Paper-Box -5.666667 -8.039901 -3.293433 5e-05 ***
## $`mydatc3d$Placement:mydatc3d$Packaging`
##                                                diff       lwr.ci      upr.ci
## Special_placement:Box-Candy_section:Box        21.0  14.51044658  27.4895534
## Cash_register:Box-Candy_section:Box             8.8   2.31044658  15.2895534
## Candy_section:Paper-Candy_section:Box          -6.0 -12.48955342   0.4895534
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Box      12.4   5.91044658  18.8895534
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Box           6.4  -0.08955342  12.8895534
## Cash_register:Box-Special_placement:Box       -12.2 -18.68955342  -5.7104466
## Candy_section:Paper-Special_placement:Box     -27.0 -33.48955342 -20.5104466
## Special_placement:Paper-Special_placement:Box  -8.6 -15.08955342  -2.1104466
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Box     -14.6 -21.08955342  -8.1104466
## Candy_section:Paper-Cash_register:Box         -14.8 -21.28955342  -8.3104466
## Special_placement:Paper-Cash_register:Box       3.6  -2.88955342  10.0895534
## Cash_register:Paper-Cash_register:Box          -2.4  -8.88955342   4.0895534
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Paper    18.4  11.91044658  24.8895534
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Paper        12.4   5.91044658  18.8895534
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Paper    -6.0 -12.48955342   0.4895534
##                                                  pval    
## Special_placement:Box-Candy_section:Box       2.6e-09 ***
## Cash_register:Box-Candy_section:Box            0.0027 ** 
## Candy_section:Paper-Candy_section:Box          0.0903 .  
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Box     2.9e-05 ***
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Box          0.0558 .  
## Cash_register:Box-Special_placement:Box       3.8e-05 ***
## Candy_section:Paper-Special_placement:Box     1.4e-11 ***
## Special_placement:Paper-Special_placement:Box  0.0035 ** 
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Box     2.1e-06 ***
## Candy_section:Paper-Cash_register:Box         1.7e-06 ***
## Special_placement:Paper-Cash_register:Box      1.0000    
## Cash_register:Paper-Cash_register:Box          1.0000    
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Paper   3.4e-08 ***
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Paper       2.9e-05 ***
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Paper    0.0903 .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Turkey-HSD test
DescTools::PostHocTest(aov(mydatc3d$Sales_volume ~ mydatc3d$Placement*mydatc3d$Packaging), method = "hsd")
##   Posthoc multiple comparisons of means : Tukey HSD 
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## $`mydatc3d$Placement`
##                                 diff     lwr.ci    upr.ci    pval    
## Special_placement-Candy_section 19.7  16.183049 23.216951 1.5e-12 ***
## Cash_register-Candy_section     10.6   7.083049 14.116951 2.7e-07 ***
## Cash_register-Special_placement -9.1 -12.616951 -5.583049 3.2e-06 ***
## $`mydatc3d$Packaging`
##                diff    lwr.ci    upr.ci  pval    
## Paper-Box -5.666667 -8.039901 -3.293433 5e-05 ***
## $`mydatc3d$Placement:mydatc3d$Packaging`
##                                                diff      lwr.ci      upr.ci
## Special_placement:Box-Candy_section:Box        21.0  14.8419579  27.1580421
## Cash_register:Box-Candy_section:Box             8.8   2.6419579  14.9580421
## Candy_section:Paper-Candy_section:Box          -6.0 -12.1580421   0.1580421
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Box      12.4   6.2419579  18.5580421
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Box           6.4   0.2419579  12.5580421
## Cash_register:Box-Special_placement:Box       -12.2 -18.3580421  -6.0419579
## Candy_section:Paper-Special_placement:Box     -27.0 -33.1580421 -20.8419579
## Special_placement:Paper-Special_placement:Box  -8.6 -14.7580421  -2.4419579
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Box     -14.6 -20.7580421  -8.4419579
## Candy_section:Paper-Cash_register:Box         -14.8 -20.9580421  -8.6419579
## Special_placement:Paper-Cash_register:Box       3.6  -2.5580421   9.7580421
## Cash_register:Paper-Cash_register:Box          -2.4  -8.5580421   3.7580421
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Paper    18.4  12.2419579  24.5580421
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Paper        12.4   6.2419579  18.5580421
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Paper    -6.0 -12.1580421   0.1580421
##                                                  pval    
## Special_placement:Box-Candy_section:Box       2.5e-09 ***
## Cash_register:Box-Candy_section:Box            0.0022 ** 
## Candy_section:Paper-Candy_section:Box          0.0592 .  
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Box     2.6e-05 ***
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Box          0.0384 *  
## Cash_register:Box-Special_placement:Box       3.4e-05 ***
## Candy_section:Paper-Special_placement:Box     1.4e-11 ***
## Special_placement:Paper-Special_placement:Box  0.0029 ** 
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Box     2.0e-06 ***
## Candy_section:Paper-Cash_register:Box         1.6e-06 ***
## Special_placement:Paper-Cash_register:Box      0.4798    
## Cash_register:Paper-Cash_register:Box          0.8301    
## Special_placement:Paper-Candy_section:Paper   3.2e-08 ***
## Cash_register:Paper-Candy_section:Paper       2.6e-05 ***
## Cash_register:Paper-Special_placement:Paper    0.0592 .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(-) Figure 3.19 - Results of the contrast analysis

# Run contrast analysis
## [1] "Candy_section"     "Special_placement" "Cash_register"
contrasts(mydatc3d$Placement) <- c(0.5, -1, 0.5)

mycontranova <- aov(Sales_volume ~ Placement, data = mydatc3d)

summary(mycontranova); DescTools::ScheffeTest(mycontranova, contrasts = contrasts(mydatc3d$Placement))
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
## Placement    2 1944.2   972.1   49.78 8.77e-10 ***
## Residuals   27  527.3    19.5                     
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##   Posthoc multiple comparisons of means: Scheffe Test 
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## $Placement
##                                                     diff     lwr.ci    upr.ci
## Candy_section,Cash_register-Special_placement -14.400000 -18.832999 -9.967001
## Cash_register-Candy_section,Special_placement   7.495332   3.875803 11.114860
##                                                  pval    
## Candy_section,Cash_register-Special_placement 2.8e-08 ***
## Cash_register-Candy_section,Special_placement 5.6e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(-) Create data for ANCOVA-Example

(-) Table 3.16 - Data matrix of the case study with covariates

# Generate data ("Box")
mydatc3e.1 <- data.frame(Placement = rep(c("Candy_section","Special_placement", "Cash_register"),
                                         each = 5),
                       SM = c(paste0("SM", 1:15)),
                       Packaging = c("Box"),
                       Sales = c(47,39,40,46,45,68,65,63,59,67,59,50,51,48,53),
                       Price = c(1.89,1.89,1.89,1.84,1.84,2.09,2.09,1.99,1.99,1.99,1.99,1.98,1.98,1.89,1.89),
                       Temp = c(16,21,19,24,25,18,19,21,21,19,20,21,23,24,20))

# Generate data ("Paper")
mydatc3e.2 <- data.frame(Placement = rep(c("Candy_section","Special_placement", "Cash_register"),
                                         each = 5),
                       SM = c(paste0("SM", 1:15)),
                       Packaging = c("Paper"),
                       Sales = c(40,39,35,36,37,59,57,54,56,53,53,47,48,50,51),
                       Price = c(2.13,2.13,2.13,2.09,2.09,2.09,1.99,1.99,2.09,2.09,2.19,2.19,2.19,2.13,2.13),
                       Temp = c(22,24,21,21,20,18,19,18,18,18,19,20,17,18,18))        
# Join datasets tp generate Table 3.16 (Data matrix with covariates)
mydatc3e.3 <- full_join(mydatc3e.1, mydatc3e.2, by = c("Placement","SM","Packaging","Sales","Price","Temp"))

# Display generated data for verification
##           Placement  SM Packaging Sales Price Temp
## 1     Candy_section SM1       Box    47  1.89   16
## 2     Candy_section SM2       Box    39  1.89   21
## 3     Candy_section SM3       Box    40  1.89   19
## 4     Candy_section SM4       Box    46  1.84   24
## 5     Candy_section SM5       Box    45  1.84   25
## 6 Special_placement SM6       Box    68  2.09   18
##            Placement   SM Packaging Sales Price Temp
## 25 Special_placement SM10     Paper    53  2.09   18
## 26     Cash_register SM11     Paper    53  2.19   19
## 27     Cash_register SM12     Paper    47  2.19   20
## 28     Cash_register SM13     Paper    48  2.19   17
## 29     Cash_register SM14     Paper    50  2.13   18
## 30     Cash_register SM15     Paper    51  2.13   18

(-) ANCOVA-Example | Figure 3.23 - Two-way ANCOVA using the univariate procedure

myanocva <- aov(Sales ~ Placement*Packaging + Price + Temp, data = mydatc3e.3)

# ANCOVA Results with Type III Error
res.myanocva <- car::Anova(myanocva, type = "III")

# Display ANOCOVA results including partial Eta-squared effect sizes
res.myanocva; lsr::etaSquared(myanocva)
## Anova Table (Type III tests)
## Response: Sales
##                     Sum Sq Df F value    Pr(>F)    
## (Intercept)           7.20  1  0.7069   0.40952    
## Placement           364.08  2 17.8796 2.448e-05 ***
## Packaging            37.97  1  3.7290   0.06646 .  
## Price                 5.01  1  0.4920   0.49038    
## Temp                  4.88  1  0.4797   0.49581    
## Placement:Packaging  13.22  2  0.6492   0.53218    
## Residuals           223.99 22                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##                          eta.sq eta.sq.part
## Placement           0.499683182  0.84647329
## Packaging           0.086632453  0.48872800
## Price               0.002026931  0.02187598
## Temp                0.001976023  0.02133827
## Placement:Packaging 0.005348779  0.05572956